The Importance of a Cutting-Edge Breakroom in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, and Broken Arrow

In the busy world of offices, keeping your employees happy and working well is super important. One way to make everyone happier and more productive is by improving your Tulsa, Oklahoma City, and Broken Arrow office breakroom with modern technology. At Blue Sky Supply, having a cutting-edge breakroom can make a big difference in employee satisfaction. Here’s how we can help.

Making Customer Support Easier

Imagine a breakroom where your team can quickly contact customer support. We’ve made that possible with unique ZippyAssist stickers on all our vending machines and equipment. Your employees can contact us if they have any problems, want to suggest new snacks, or give feedback. This extra support ensures your breakroom works well and your needs are met quickly.

Smart Inventory Management

Keeping track of the stuff in your Tulsa breakroom can take time and effort. But with our smart inventory system, we’ve got it covered. This technology helps us determine how much stuff we need before leaving our warehouse. It also helps us know which snacks and drinks are popular so we can make changes to serve your team better.

Easy Online Ordering

Today’s offices need things to be easy, and our online ordering platform makes that happen. Whether you need coffee products or snacks, you can order stuff whenever you want. No more hassle with manual orders – it’s a simple and smooth process. We even offer payment options like using your phone or a credit card to make things more accessible.

Tulsa Employee Benefits | Oklahoma City Breakroom | Broken Arrow Cutting-Edge Technology

Custom-Made for You

One-size-fits-all doesn’t work when it comes to breakrooms. That’s why we’re experts at creating customized micro-markets. We’ll work with you to design the perfect micro-market with shelves, fixtures, and snacks that fit your team’s needs. Your Oklahoma City breakroom should be where your employees can take a break, grab a bite, and relax.

Good for the Planet and Your Wallet

Our innovation isn’t just about what you can see but about being kind to the Earth and saving you money. All our efficient machines use less energy, which helps the environment and cuts your costs.

Always Fresh

When it comes to snacks and drinks, freshness is super important. That’s why our delivery trucks are refrigerated; everything arrives fresh and ready to enjoy. We care a lot about giving Broken Arrow employees top-quality stuff!

Great Coffee and Clean Water

Our commitment to the latest supplies includes our office coffee and water solutions. We have all the equipment to ensure your employees get the best beverages. We know that coffee is super important for many offices, and we ensure it’s incredible!

Blue Sky Supply is here to provide cutting-edge breakroom solutions in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, and Broken Arrow. To learn more, call us at (918) 599-9100.