Tulsa Micro-Market | Oklahoma City Vending Machines | Edmond Office Break Room

Micro-Market Innovation in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, and Edmond Break Rooms

Micro-markets have changed modern break rooms for the better. How? For starters, there are hundreds more options for today’s employees onsite. Add to that reliable service from Blue Sky Supply and see how much a micro-market can transform the break room experience for Tulsa, Oklahoma City, and Edmond employees.

In this blog, we want to explore micro-markets more deeply. Let’s explore how this trend has changed how we view break areas.

Micro-Markets Transform the Traditional Break Room Experience

A Tulsa micro-market is both innovative and inviting. It changes how your team gets snacks at work. How? Because, unlike vending machines, the micro-market is a mini store. There is fresh food, snacks, and even hot meals. Employees have more choices, which improves their break time.

Plus, micro-markets are designed to draw staff into the break room. There is room for a gourmet office coffee station. Or, add a water filtration unit that offers delicious water and the sustainability of refillable bottles and cups. There is no end to the perks.

Promoting Healthier Choices in Edmond

Micro-markets offer more healthy options at work, focusing on fresh produce, organic snacks, and whole meals. This helps staff make better choices during work. It’s a strong way to support health and wellness goals. That support is vital to today’s staff as more people care about their health. Onsite access to low-sugar, good-for-you, and nutritious products shows your company values its staff and their well-being. In turn, that boosts morale and productivity.

Benefits Of Traditional Vending in OKC

Enjoy lots of perks over vending with an Oklahoma City micro-market. It offers more choices, freshness, and a better experience. Without the space limit of Tulsa vending machines, there is a variety of food. Get fresh fruits, salads, and sandwiches. This makes the office break room experience one of choice and value. There is an option for different diets in one place.

Tulsa Healthy Options | Oklahoma City Micro-Market | Edmond Employee Benefits

Want more customization? Blue Sky Supply can adjust the Edmond micro-market product mix to reflect the preferences of your team. We can add more meals or get new energy drinks or iced coffee beverages.

A market is a fun way to shop no matter what’s inside. It lets your staff browse, interact, and chat with one another. That is something vending machines just can’t offer.

Use Micro-Markets to Boost Your Employee Satisfaction in Tulsa

Micro-markets have changed the way we think about break rooms. The options, convenience, and benefits are great assets to Tula, Oklahoma City, and Edmond companies. This solution enhances the space your staff uses to recharge and makes it a hiring tool. Use micro-markets to show your focus on wellness and boost morale.

Blue Sky Supply can deliver flexible micro-markets, vending services, office water, and more. Call us at (918) 599-9100 to find out what services we offer to make your break room a better place. Reach out today!

Tulsa Micro-Markets | Oklahoma City Snack Vending Machines | Broken Arrow Employee Well-being

The Psychological Impact Micro-Markets Have on Employee Well-Being in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, and Broken Arrow

Micro-markets can have a profound effect on employees’ mental and physical health. That’s because it’s a breakroom service offering much more than vending snacks and cold beverages. When well-designed, a micro-market is the hub of a great team. It can make staff feel connected, more relaxed, and truly appreciated. That boosts engagement and retention. Both are great for an employer.

Want to know more about the benefits of this new breakroom solution? Keep reading for a deeper dive into how one of our Tulsa, Oklahoma City, or Broken Arrow micro-markets will impact your employees.

Tulsa Micro-Markets Create a Sense of Belonging

Blue Sky Supply designs each Tulsa micro-market to feel like a gathering place. This helps the breakroom draw people in. Staff see the space as a perk, a place to connect with co-workers over healthy snack options or office coffee. That sense of belonging is the key to a team that works well together.

Encourage Relaxation

The breakroom should be a lovely space to unwind and charge up during breaks. That’s the goal of our Oklahoma City micro-markets, from their flex seating to their calm feel. The innovative designs help staff de-stress better than they can with just vending machines. That way, staff can return to work with more focus and energy.

Tulsa Healthy Snack Options | Oklahoma City Micro-Markets | Broken Arrow Beverage Vending Machines

Oklahoma City Micro-Markets Drive Appreciation

Invest in a pleasant, well-stocked breakroom, and staff will feel valued. Our micro-markets are a great choice if you’re not ready for office pantry service. A Broken Arrow micro-market boosts morale as well as job satisfaction. Staff feel more engaged at work. Breakroom customization, in the form of a micro-market, shows staff that their well-being is a top concern. That drives up loyalty and commitment.

Boost Well-Being with Blue Sky Supply

A good micro-market space offers benefits far beyond those of snack vending alone. It’s a well-crafted space that feels inclusive, relaxing, and like a perk. In turn, there will be a boost in staff morale, workmanship, and job satisfaction.

At Blue Sky Supply, we know the value of micro-markets beyond simple snacks. That makes us the micro-market leaders in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, and Broken Arrow. Reach us at (918) 599-9100 to see how one might benefit you.

Tulsa Micro-Markets | Oklahoma City Refreshment Service | Employee Retention

Why a Tulsa and Oklahoma City Micro-Market is Reliable, Innovative, and Flexible with Blue Sky Supply

Micro-markets are a game-changer in the Tulsa and Oklahoma City vending service industry. Why? Because they offer fast, easy, and flexible options. And Blue Sky Supply has a reliable, fresh, and tailored approach to markets. This makes them ideal for your Tulsa or Oklahoma City break room.

Wondering how Blue Sky Supply can have such a strong micro-market service? Well, then keep reading to learn all about it.

Great Micro-Markets Start With Reliability

At Blue Sky Supply, we take pride in being reliable. That means constant access to top snacks, drinks, and fresh food in your Tulsa or Oklahoma City micro-market. We do this by using the latest technology and supply chain systems. Namely, our remote inventory. It lets us know what products you need before we leave our warehouse. Thus, we can bring all you need. This steady supply of products means your business has peace of mind. It’s the most reliable way for us to offer you great refreshment services.

Blue Sky Supply Uses Break Room Innovations

We are at the forefront of modern micro-markets. We push the edge of what’s possible in order to offer the best to our clients. Such as our Tulsa and Oklahoma City micro-markets, which have features like touchscreen kiosks and mobile payments. This really boosts employee satisfaction in the break room.

Another way we innovate is to assess data and use smart inventory management. This lets us anticipate and then cater to staff likes and dislikes. Thus, your market has always got new and fresh options.

Oklahoma City Micro-Markets | Tulsa Reliable & Flexible Service | Break Room Technology

What about innovations in customer service? We have that too! ZippyAssist is built in our Tulsa and Oklahoma City micro-markets. It provides instant support and assistance should your staff have an issue. It lets us resolve technical issues. Or, your staff can send a product inquiry. All in all, your business no longer needs to handle any issues with the break room. This makes ZippyAssist a great feature.

Great Micro-Markets Service Is Flexible

Flexibility is a key advantage of a Blue Sky Supply micro-market whether it is in Tulsa or Oklahoma City. It is unlike a vending machine, which has limited space. Instead, a market can offer many more options. Plus, all these snacks, beverages, fresh foods, and healthy items can be customized. That way the market better meets the tastes and dietary needs of your team.

Micro-markets are open 24/7, making them a flexible solution for staff. For instance, your staff might be hungry after work hours or on a weekend. With our Tulsa and Oklahoma City micro-market, they will have access to a mix of products. Plus, there is a chance to get discounts and rewards. Blue Sky Supply partners with USConnect on a flexible and innovative loyalty program. It lets you earn points. Redeem the points for perks, such as discounts, free items, or even donations to charity.

Finally, what could be more flexible than a tailored market program? That’s why we offer subsidized micro-markets. Choose items to offer staff at a reduced price, such as healthy alternatives. Or pay fully for certain items, making them free. Anything you need, we can create.

Enhance the Tulsa and Oklahoma City Break Room

In the end, it is Blue Sky Supply’s reliability, innovation, and flexibility that makes us a great service provider. It’s also why our Tulsa and Oklahoma City micro-markets are so adored. We use systems to keep them stocked with items we know your team wants thanks to reading data. Plus, we offer flexible solutions. This lets you create the ideal market for your needs.

Reach out to Blue Sky Supply to start your micro-market journey now. Or, choose one of our other break room services, such as vending machines or office coffee service.

Contact us at (918) 599-9100 or email us at info@blueskysupply.net.

Break Room Snack Options in Tulsa

Micro-Market Snacks in Tulsa Play Multiple Roles

Break Room Snack Options in Tulsa

The definition of a snack is expanding. It no longer refers only to a small amount of sweet or salty food eaten between meals. A healthy snack can also be a meal replacement that helps Tulsa employees meet their daily caloric and hydration needs. All micro-market snacks, independent of their role, fall into one or more of the three primary snack needs: nourishment, optimization, and pleasure.

Role 1: Sweet or Salty Treat

I have some good news for you. Traditional sweet and salty snacks are not going anywhere. In 2017, the sale of chocolate-based treats produced over $1.8 billion in revenue, or 74.9 percent of the total sales for candy. On the salty side of the aisle, $2.9 billion in revenue came from the sale of chips. That’s 46.6 percent of sales in its category. While sweet and salty snacks are most often consumed as a reward or indulgence, many Tulsa employees also use a trip to the office break room as an opportunity to enjoy new flavors and textures.

Certain snacks have always and will continue to play the role of a sweet or salty treat, but in 2018, many snacks have a new purpose.

Role 2: Healthy Meal Replacement

According to the NPD Group’s tracking of U.S. consumers’ snacking attitudes and behaviors, “snack foods eaten at main meals now represent 24 percent of all snack food eatings, which is up from 21 percent five years ago.”  Not only are Tulsa employees looking for nourishment and optimization, a mental or physical energy boost, they have high expectations about the quality of product labels and the ingredients that they put in their bodies.

Break Room Snack Options in Tulsa

Accurate and clearly written product labels play an important part before snacks and beverages are even consumed. For 39 percent of U.S. consumers, inaccurate or confusing information on a product label will trigger a switch to a product that has clearer and more accurate product information. Additionally, 68 percent of the participants in a Nielson study said they would pay more for snacks, beverages, and prepared food items that weren’t made with “bad” ingredients. Fresh, organic, clean, and Fair Trade are just a few of the terms Tulsa employees are looking for in the office break room.

A micro-market offers your Tulsa employees a wide range of healthy fresh foods, sweet and salty snacks, and beverages that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Not only is it a place to grab a bite to eat, but it is also a relaxing environment to catch up with colleagues during the workday. To learn more about updating your micro-market selections or learn more about other vending solutions, contact Blue Sky Supply at (918) 599-9100.