Tulsa Break Room | New Vending Technology | Mobile App

Why ZippyAssist is the technology tool every Tulsa break room needs

The key to happy, healthy, and collaborative employees is an excellent break room. While it might seem like a small detail, high-quality refreshment services can actually make a big difference. Not sure where to start? Don’t worry! That’s where ZippyAssist comes in. When you work with Blue Sky Supply, you’ll get the added bonus of having ZippyAssist technology. That means you get an added layer of support when it comes to satisfying and supporting your employees.

So, are you ready to upgrade your Tulsa break room solutions? Here’s how ZippyAssist can help you do just that, plus everything else you need to know about this game-changing feature.

What Is ZippyAssist?

ZippyAssist is a web-based mobile app that provides easy, automated communication with your staff via their smartphones. What exactly does that mean? Well, it means that employees can receive important info, report problems, receive refunds, and request new products or office supplies from the palm of their hands. It’s that simple!

ZippyAssist is an ultra-easy way for staff to request their needs, which is great for both the team and the business! For example, facility managers love ZippyAssist. Why? Because it allows them to focus on other more pressing tasks. Plus, it improves the experience thanks to it being self-service. If there is a problem, the solution is just a quick text away. Now, that’s what we call great customer service!

How Does ZippyAssist Technology Work?

Tulsa Vending Machines | ZippyAssist Technology | Reliable ServiceNow that you know what ZippyAssist is, let’s get into how it works. Every machine in your Tulsa break room will get a machine ID number. Employees will text this ID to a number on the sticker on the front of the machines. The machine ID number shows where they are having an issue. The customer will receive a link via text message to access the ZippyAssist mobile app. That’s it! This program offers a simple, instant text conversation without having to bother the facility manager or pick up the phone and call.

Employees will never have to deal with long customer wait times again. Instead, requests are received in real time for a quick and helpful response from a service technician. Employees can request refunds, provide feedback, share ideas, send praise, or discuss frustrations right there in the app.

What Are the Benefits of this Technology for Tulsa employees?

Of course, one of the best parts of this trailblazing break room service is that it’s convenient, reliable, and simple. This is why Blue Sky Supply is proud and excited to offer this innovative technology along with our break room solutions. Tulsa employees can get instant support and facility managers can get time back to focus on their important tasks.

ZippyAssist also provides a great way to make employees feel heard and appreciated. Instead of walking away feeling frustrated, they’ll receive a quick response to tend to their needs, which is essential for great customer service, employee satisfaction, and their trust in your business. Bonus: ZippyAssist also works in Spanish!

Upgrade your Tulsa break room with ZippyAssist!

When you work with Blue Sky Supply, you’ll get to take advantage of this must-have break room technology. Contact us at 918.599.9100 or info@blueskysupply.net for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, pantry service, or vending services. We look forward to supporting your team!

Oklahoma City Corporate Community | Improve Morale | Build Collaboration

Build Community with Oklahoma City Break Room Services

It’s essential to build community in the workplace. After all, humans are naturally social creatures. We spend about one-third of our lives at work, according to Gettysburg College research. That means interacting with coworkers is important. It deepens connections and creates a strong sense of belonging.

Oklahoma City break room services can create an inclusive and inspiring space. Want to learn more? Here’s how to build community in your break room.

Micro-Markets Attract More Employees

An Oklahoma City micro-market is a great way to build community. These mini marketplaces draw more people in. That’s because they provide endless options. For instance, you can buy healthy snacks. There are plenty of fresh fruits and veggies in the glass-front coolers. This makes it easy for employees to eat better. Furthermore, staff can buy meals on-site. Employees don’t have to drive to a store or restaurant. Therefore, they can spend more time bonding with colleagues.

Best of all, employees can pay their way. Blue Sky Supply’s micro-markets accept cash and credit cards. They also accept mobile payments. This convenience can prompt more people to visit.

Create a Coffee House Vibe to Build Community

Oklahoma City Micro-Market Build Community | Single-Cup | Water Filtration Service

Cafes are cozy places to connect. People can connect over cups of gourmet coffee. Or, hash out an innovative work solution. Create a coffee-house feel in your break room with Oklahoma City office coffee service. For example, a single-cup brewer makes fresh coffee. Users can also pick their favorite flavors.

Or, try an Oklahoma City bean-to-cup brewer. These machines make coffee, lattes, and cappuccinos. Additionally, they also offer milk and flavoring options. Employees can easily order specialty coffee drinks on a touchscreen. Enjoy cafe-quality hot beverages without the barista!

Break Room Enhancements

Lastly, improve the break room experience with the right enhancements. Comfy seats are great spots to relax. Coworkers can chat on a couch. Or, tables give them a space to eat lunch together. They can also grab a snack from the vending machine and share ideas. This promotes collaboration.

Another smart idea is a Oklahoma City water filtration service. Everyone loves water cooler talk! Coworkers can have casual conversations at these hydration stations. Water filters make your office water taste fresh. Plus, employees can use filtered water in their hot beverages. Their coffee and tea will taste better.

Blue Sky Supply Can Help You Build Community

To conclude, creating community in the workplace is important. Employees will be happier and more engaged. Plus, they may be more productive.

Blue Sky Supply can help build community in your break room. We’ll help you choose the best solutions for your staff. To learn more, call us today at (918) 599-9100.